19 November 2010

So who plays where... (Leagues)

They say its not what you know, its who you know. So before we discuss the nitty gritty of the rules, including covering the oh so dreaded offside rule, lets get the basic’s out of the way.
There are four divisions in the English football League:

  • The Premiership - The best league in English football, home to the likes of Manchester United, Chelsea and Arsenal. Think of these like your designer clothes, your Jimmy Choo’s and Alexander Wang’s of the world. This is the league that every team wants to be in, and just like your top fashion designers, teams can make a fortune from being there. This is the league most likely to be shown on TV, with Sky Sports showing matches every week.
  • The Championship - The league just below the Premiership. Its still got some of the class of your top designers, but isn't worth as much. Think of it as your designer section in your department store. 
  • Then there’s League One -This league is your highstreet stores. Your Topshop's and New Look's. Its not too expensive, but its not cheap as chips 
  • And finally League Two - the bottom professional league in England. It is your Primark, from here the only way teams want to go is up. Its not bad for a season or two, like the buttons on your new Primark duffle coat.

12 November 2010

And So To Kick Off...

As a little girl I knew nothing about football and thought that all males had the cooties and therefore should be avoided at all costs. Football was their game, and I had no desire to be apart of it, let alone watch it. It's safe to say my views have changed since then, well at least some of them.

However, during that first Arsenal game, my dad, with some help from the 22 players on the pitch, and those fans sitting close enough to hear him struggle as he tried to explain the offside rule, taught me the basic principles of football, a game which has had me hooked ever since.

And I am going to attempt to do the same for you, so this weekend when the boyfriend or housemates suggest staying in and watching Match of the Day (BBC highlights of the days football) you might be able to keep up with what’s going on. You never know you might actually enjoy it too.

So before you all rush off change your high heels for football boots, or head down to the local to watch Super Sunday (Sky Sports coverage on a Sunday) its probably best to cover the basics.

11 November 2010

An Introduction...

I am a woman. Studying a ‘man’s’ course. Loving a ‘mans’ game. And, perhaps for my sins, living with two ‘men’ (who just so happen to also be two of my closest friends). And here they are...

Tweedledum and Tweedledee themselves
The term ‘men’ is used very loosely throughout this blog, as sometimes the behaviour of the opposite sex that I’ve seen so far in my mere 20 years, can lead you to believe that they are nothing more than adolescent children, who happen to be trapped in adult bodies.

All my life I have found myself in situations, dominated and controlled by men, from my first football match when I was 6 to the degree I’m studying, and writing this blog for currently. (Sports Journalism at Staffordshire University, just in case you were wondering)

Now it is easy to say, “I blame my dad” for my love for football, but in this case its true. However I wouldn’t use the word blame so much. I thank my dad for taking me to that first game on a cold December night, as it has provided me with a ‘behind enemy lines’ style insight into today’s modern man and also a deep understanding of the game which turns them into jibbering wrecks each weekend, and if they are lucky, maybe once in the week too.

So, inspired by friends constantly asking “What is going to happen when that Fabby guy leaves?” (my female housemates and good friends view on the Fabregas/Arsenal situation) and “What’s it really like living with boys?” I’ve created a blog, providing a (hopefully) humorous account of my life in a man’s world, advice and tips on how to survive in similar situations and of course that all important football knowledge that will have you down the pub, holding your own on a Saturday afternoon.