11 November 2010

An Introduction...

I am a woman. Studying a ‘man’s’ course. Loving a ‘mans’ game. And, perhaps for my sins, living with two ‘men’ (who just so happen to also be two of my closest friends). And here they are...

Tweedledum and Tweedledee themselves
The term ‘men’ is used very loosely throughout this blog, as sometimes the behaviour of the opposite sex that I’ve seen so far in my mere 20 years, can lead you to believe that they are nothing more than adolescent children, who happen to be trapped in adult bodies.

All my life I have found myself in situations, dominated and controlled by men, from my first football match when I was 6 to the degree I’m studying, and writing this blog for currently. (Sports Journalism at Staffordshire University, just in case you were wondering)

Now it is easy to say, “I blame my dad” for my love for football, but in this case its true. However I wouldn’t use the word blame so much. I thank my dad for taking me to that first game on a cold December night, as it has provided me with a ‘behind enemy lines’ style insight into today’s modern man and also a deep understanding of the game which turns them into jibbering wrecks each weekend, and if they are lucky, maybe once in the week too.

So, inspired by friends constantly asking “What is going to happen when that Fabby guy leaves?” (my female housemates and good friends view on the Fabregas/Arsenal situation) and “What’s it really like living with boys?” I’ve created a blog, providing a (hopefully) humorous account of my life in a man’s world, advice and tips on how to survive in similar situations and of course that all important football knowledge that will have you down the pub, holding your own on a Saturday afternoon.

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